Nearly two-thirds of homeowners are interested in buying homes with smart features.

However, getting accustomed to the new equipment can be tricky.

With a better understanding of their home security systems, homeowners can make more informed decisions, and ensure proper protection for their families and properties.

This post provides tips for owners of smart homes to learn their new systems.

Refer to User Manuals

Homeowners can learn about specific security equipment, such as surveillance cameras and image sensors, by referring to user manuals. These provide instructions for proper use and maintenance, and are useful for quick reference.

Your service provider may also offer additional online resources and technical support to assist you in getting accustomed to your home security system.

Learn System Terminology

Homeowners should also familiarize themselves with security system terminology. A glossary can help users identify equipment and make more informed security decisions. Some of the most commonly used terms include:

  • Alarm Monitoring: A service in which a security system is connected 24/7 to a Monitoring Center operator.
  • Cloud: A third-party operated data center that offers online storage of data that can be accessed at any time while connected to the Internet.
  • Home Automation: A cloud-based service that allows users to control smart devices inside their homes from web-enabled devices.
  • Smart Device: An electronic device that is connected to other devices or networks via different protocols (i.e., Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or cellular network), and can operate interactively and autonomously.

Consult a Security Professional

While it may be tempting to cut corners when installing your security system, incorrect installation could leave your family and home vulnerable. Homeowners who install their own systems may also void product warranties otherwise covered by the security manufacturer.

To mitigate the risk of false alarms and ensure the best protection for your home, contact a professional technician. A trusted vendor confirms equipment is wired correctly, follows building codes and abides by local jurisdiction requirements.

Getting accustomed to your new home security system can be a simple task. Make sure your home is properly protected by educating yourself on system basics.

Are you interested in learning more about your home security system? Contact a Vector Security expert today for assistance.