This post was originally published on April 25, 2016 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

The smart home market is projected to be valued at $135.3 billion by the year 2025.

From smart locks, doorbells, garage doors, thermostats, outlets and more, the adoption of smart technology is widespread. For the majority of smart device users, convenience and peace of mind are the top two reasons for integrating IoT devices into the home.

However, in order for these benefits to be achieved, smart devices need to be connected to a strong and stable network.

Below, we overview 4G LTE networks and the key role they play in smart home ecosystems.

The Rise of the 4G Network

Before we cover 4G, it’s important to know where it stemmed from. Since launching in the U.S. in 2002, the 3G mobile network had been the predominant network for all internet-connected devices.

It was not until 2008 that 4G ("Fourth Generation") was introduced as a means for downloading more data at faster speeds, as well as enabling hotspots. 4G LTE is a variation of 4G that is now considered the average network across devices.

As carriers work their way to more advanced networks, such as 5G, they’ve announced plans to sunset 3G, which could have impacts on your home security system.

Faster Networks, More Connectivity

By running smart devices on a 4G LTE cellular network, homeowners can improve equipment speed and functionality, as it transfers data at a quicker speed than other networks (i.e. 3G or 2G). With a 4G LTE connection, homeowners can have faster networks, increased broadband capacity and greater connectivity.

Why does this matter? NPR estimates over 60 million Americans own at least one smart speaker, with many owning an average of 2.6 smart devices. And, with Coronavirus forcing people to spend more time at home and prevent the spread of germs with contactless devices, the demand for smart devices is only expected to grow.

Smart homes provide enhanced convenience, safety and reduced energy costs for you and your family, especially with more people working remotely from home than ever before.

Increased Security

When it comes to security, 72 percent of smart-device owners purchase the devices for peace of mind. Smart homes can keep families and their beloved assets safer with equipment such as smart locks, remote access, alarms and video surveillance.

Since a 4G LTE network is a cellular connection, homeowners also don’t have to worry about cut wires or power outages making them vulnerable. Cellular connections do not require an internet connection or landline to operate, allowing systems to remain up and running at all times.

Until we see a widespread adoption of the next generation of cellular network, 4G and 4G LTE networks are a secure, convenient option for your smart home devices.

If you want more information about how Vector Security is handling the 3G sunset and transitioning to 4G just reach out. We’re happy to work with you on getting your system updated.